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NEW JERSEY’S STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS FOR INJURY CLAIMSVictims of negligence in New Jersey must know the state-specific statute of limitations in place before they may file a claim against a negligent party. Call Us
REPUBLICAN OBSTRUCTIVE POLITICS ARE TRYING TO DESTROY GOOD CONSTRUCTION AND MARITIME JOBS - A N.J. UPDATERobin Shaffer, discussing a proposal to put the windmills further out in the ocean so they are not easily seen from shore and can gather the strongest wind.
CONNECTICUT AND RHODE ISLAND ON TRACK FOR OCEAN WIND GENERATION IN 2025The U.S. Department of the Interior's Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) issued to Revolution Wind its Record of Decision (ROD)
UPDATE - RHODE ISLAND WIND PROJECTØrsted and Eversource’s Revolution Wind project off the coast of Rhode Island is on track to become the fourth commercial-scale offshore wind project on the US.
New Jersey’s First Offshore Wind Farm to Begin Onshore Construction Fall 2023New Jersey’s First Offshore Wind Farm to Begin Onshore Construction Fall 2023. Hofmann and Schweitzer offshore wind energy injury lawyers. New York and NJ
LONG ISLAND’S WIND FARM CONSTRUCTION UNDERWAY!If the project remains on track to be completed by the end of 2023, it would become America’s first utility-scale offshore wind farm to be completed in federal
$1.1 million Arbitration Recovery Kozur v. Atlantic BountyWe are pleased to advise that the firm obtained nearly a $1 million verdict against Sea Harvest, Inc.
BUBBLE TECHNOLOGY TO DAMPEN CONSTRUCTION NOISE OF WIND GENERATOR FOUNDATION CONSTRUCTIONVineyard Wind, which is building the first commercial-scale offshore wind energy project in the U.S. south of Martha’s Vineyard, is to pilot deployment testing
Jobs Update: Major Offshore Wind Farm Producer Announces Technician Job Readiness ProgramAtlantic City, NJ (May 2, 2023) - Ørsted, the U.S. offshore wind energy leaders, today announced the launch of Wind Power Ready, its wind farm technician job.
WHO SAYS NOBODY WANTS WIND ENERGY - CERTAINLY NOT GOOGLE!Offshore wind energy is in its infancy but still significantly impacts alternate energy.