The waters surrounding New York City and Staten Island are busy transportation corridors, with numerous ferries shuttling residents and tourists daily. Unfortunately, accidents involving Staten Island and New York City ferry accidents occur all too often, leaving passengers hurt and searching for answers.

NYC ferry accidentsAs experienced New York City and Staten Island ferry accident lawyers, we've helped many injured passengers understand their legal rights and options for pursuing compensation. A critical first step is identifying the cause of the ferry accident. By determining how and why the incident occurred, we can build a strong case to hold the negligent parties accountable.

Operator Error and Inexperience 

Safely piloting a ferry requires significant skill, experience, and constant attention. Even a moment of distraction or a small mistake can have disastrous consequences. 

Some examples of operator errors that may lead to ferry accidents include:

  • Excessive speed
  • Failure to account for weather or water conditions  
  • Inadequate lookout for smaller vessels and objects in the water
  • Operator fatigue or illness affecting alertness and judgment
  • Insufficient safety briefings or emergency procedure training for crew

Any indications that the ferry captain or crew failed to operate the vessel safely must be investigated thoroughly. 

Mechanical Failures and Improper Maintenance

All ferry operators are responsible for keeping their vessels in proper working order. Failure to perform regular inspections, maintenance, and repairs can allow dangerous mechanical issues to go unnoticed and unaddressed.

Some mechanical problems that may cause local ferry accidents include:

  • Steering mechanism failures
  • Engine malfunctions or loss of propulsion 
  • Issues with the hull integrity
  • Non-functioning navigation equipment like GPS or radio
  • Ramp or boarding apparatus defects

Mechanical and maintenance records must be examined after an accident to determine if faulty equipment or neglected upkeep contributed to the incident. The ferry owner and operator may be liable if corners were cut on safety.

Violations of Maritime Regulations 

Ferry operators in New York City and Staten Island waters must abide by regulations. These requirements include maximum passenger capacity, crew licensing, safety equipment, hazardous materials handling, and more. For example, regulations exist about:

  • Passenger capacity. While many New York City ferries have a capacity of 150-350 passengers, the Staten Island ferry has a passenger capacity of approximately 5,000.
  • Crew licensing. Individuals operating passenger vessels must hold appropriate credentials and be trained to do their jobs. 
  • Safety Equipment: Passenger vessels have specific safety equipment to protect passengers and crew. This may include life-saving appliances such as life jackets, fire suppression systems, emergency signaling devices, and other equipment.

Compliance with these regulations is essential for the safe operation of ferry services and is enforced through regular inspections.

Collisions With Other Vessels

The hectic pace of maritime traffic in New York Harbor and the surrounding areas sets the stage for dangerous collisions. While many accidents happen when one vessel strikes a fixed object, crashes involving two or more vessels are also a serious concern.

Ferry accidents involving collisions with other vessels often involve factors like:

  • Inattention from one or both vessel captains
  • Confusion over the right-of-way
  • Lack of communication between vessel operators
  • Reckless behavior like excessive speed or erratic navigation
  • Insufficient lighting on one or both vessels

Establishing which vessel caused the collision requires analysis of evidence like the damage, eyewitness reports, and electronic data from the ships' recording devices. Your ferry accident lawyer can investigate to determine liability.

Poor Weather and Water Conditions

Severe weather and rough seas significantly increase the dangers facing New York City and Staten Island ferries. Safely operating these vessels becomes much more difficult when dealing with high winds, heavy rains, poor visibility, and choppy waters.

While some accidents that occur during bad weather may be unavoidable, frequently, these incidents involve a failure to properly monitor and respond to deteriorating conditions, such as:

  • Making trips in weather conditions that exceed the vessel's capability
  • Failing to reduce speed appropriately for the conditions
  • Taking on water from waves over the bow 
  • Loss of passenger footing or unsecured cargo due to erratic movement
  • Inability to identify hazards in the water due to poor visibility 

Ferry operators are responsible for assessing weather and water conditions and making reasonable decisions regarding passenger safety. 

Get Help From Experienced NYC and Staten Island Ferry Accident Lawyers

After a New York City or Staten Island ferry accident, you may face extensive medical bills, lost income, and other damages. Determining what caused the accident is the first step to pursuing the compensation you need and deserve. 

At Hofmann & Schweitzer, our maritime injury lawyers represent injured ferry passengers every year. Our knowledgeable ferry accident attorneys can investigate the incident, gather evidence, and fight for your recovery.


Paul T. Hofmann
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Focused on personal injury, with an emphasis on maritime, railroad and construction worker tort claims.