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Requirements for Catch Platforms on NYC Construction SitesWere you hurt due to inadequate catch platforms on a construction site? A construction injury lawyer explains New York regulations and your options.
Safety Rules for Flooring on Construction Sites Under The New York Industrial CodeA New York City construction accident lawyer explains state regulations to protect employees when installing temporary and permanent flooring.
Protection Under Section 23 for Concrete Work on Construction SitesA New York City construction accident lawyer explains employee protections under Section 23 to prevent injuries to employees performing concrete work.
Construction Employers Typically Violate 12 NYCRR Sec. 1.32 Which Requires Them to Respond to Safety Complaints on a Construction SiteA New York City construction accident lawyer explains what employers and owners must do if a worksite is noncompliant with Section 23 regulations.
How Section 23 Protects New York Construction Injuries on Ramps, Runways, and PlatformsA New York City construction accident lawyer explains state safety laws to protect employees using ramps, runways, and platforms on the job site.
How Section 23 Protects New York Construction Workers From Ladder InjuriesA New York City construction accident lawyer explains safety requirements under state law to protect workers from ladder falls and injuries.
Sidewalk Sheds and Barricades Should Protect Workers on NY Construction SitesA New York City construction accident lawyer explains when sidewalk sheds and barricades are required on building sites to prevent worker injuries.
New York Laws Protect Construction Workers From Electrical HazardsA New York City construction accident lawyer explains state requirements and regulations to protect workers from electrical hazards on building sites.
Construction Injury Claims Against Architects, Engineers, and Design ProfessionalsA New York City construction accident lawyer explains when an architect, engineer, or other designer may be held liable for a construction site injury.
Types of Insurance That May Pay for Third-Party Construction ClaimsA New York City construction accident lawyer explains the common types of insurance on building sites and when they may be used to cover work injuries.