Our Maritime Accidents Lawyers Explain What to Do After Getting Hurt in an Accident at Sea

workers-on-commercial-vesselYou likely have many questions and concerns if you've been injured in a maritime accident. The New York and New Jersey maritime accident lawyers at Hofmann & Schweitzer are here to guide you through the uncertainty of what to do after getting hurt in a maritime accident. We're committed to ensuring you receive proper compensation for your maritime accident claim, helping you chart a course toward recovery and justice.

What to Do After Being Injured in a Maritime Accident

The actions you take immediately following a maritime accident can significantly impact your compensation. Accordingly, it’s essential to:

  • Seek medical attention immediately. Even if injuries seem minor, getting a thorough medical examination as soon as possible is important. Some injuries may not be immediately apparent and could lead to more severe complications. Receiving medical attention not only ensures your well-being but also creates an official record of your injuries.  
  • Report the accident. Inform your supervisor or the ship's captain about the accident. Make sure an official accident report is filed and request a copy for your records.
  • Document everything. Take photos of the accident scene and your injuries if possible. Write down your recollection of the events while they're fresh in your memory. Keep all medical records and receipts related to your injury.
  • Avoid signing documents. Be cautious about signing any documents your employer or insurance company presents without legal advice. These may waive your rights to full compensation.
  • Limit discussions about the accident. Be careful about what you say to coworkers or post about the accident on social media. Statements can be used against you later.
  • Contact a maritime accident lawyer. Reach out to a lawyer experienced in maritime law as soon as possible. The New York and New Jersey maritime accident lawyers at Hofmann & Schweitzer can guide you through the next steps and help protect your rights from the start.

Possible Maritime Injury Compensation

When you've suffered an injury at sea, filing a maritime injury lawsuit can be a crucial step in protecting your rights and securing your future. Under the Jones Act, you could receive economic and non-economic damages for your maritime injury. This could include payment for:

  • Medical expenses. This covers all medical costs related to your injury, including emergency treatment, hospital stays, surgeries, medications, and ongoing care.
  • Lost wages. You may be compensated for income lost due to your injury, including future earnings if you cannot return to your previous work capacity.
  • Pain and suffering. Maritime law recognizes compensation for physical pain and emotional distress caused by your injury.
  • Maintenance and cure. Maintenance and cure are unique to maritime law. They cover daily living expenses and medical treatment until you reach maximum medical improvement.

How Our Maritime Accidents Lawyers Can Help

The skilled maritime accident lawyers at Hofmann & Schweitzer can assist you if you have been injured at sea. We can review the details of your accident, assess the strength of your Jones Act claim, and identify all potential sources of compensation. We will make sure your maritime injury claim is filed within the required time limits since missing a deadline could jeopardize your right to compensation. 

Our New York and New Jersey maritime injury lawyers will collect and preserve crucial evidence, including accident reports, witness statements, and medical records, to build a strong case. Based on the specifics of your case, we'll craft a legal strategy to maximize your compensation.

We'll handle all communications with insurance companies, protecting you from tactics that might undervalue your claim. We're prepared to take your case to trial if a fair settlement can't be reached.

Throughout the process, we'll provide clear communication and support, ensuring you understand each step and feel confident in the direction of your case. 

We invite you to review the case results and testimonials on our website. These can provide insight into the outcomes we've achieved for clients in similar situations. While past results don't guarantee future outcomes, they demonstrate our commitment to fighting for the best possible results for each maritime injury client we serve.

Paul T. Hofmann
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Focused on personal injury, with an emphasis on maritime, railroad and construction worker tort claims.