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Injuries From Vessel Collisions Are Covered Under the Jones ActJones Act seamen are at high risk of collisions at sea. Discover why these accidents happen and who may be liable for injuries and deaths.
The Dangers of Personnel Basket Transfers at SeaJones Act seamen are at high risk when moving between vessels and installations in personnel baskets, and shipowners may be liable for injuries and deaths.
Compensation for Maritime Workers Whose Vessel Struck a Stationary ObjectCrew members can recover payment for maritime injuries if they were hurt when their vessels struck a stationary object.
Liability for Maritime Injuries During Boarding, Transferring, or Disembarking a VesselCrew members can suffer severe or even fatal maritime injuries during personnel transfers from vessel to vessel, vessel to platform, and from ship to shore.
Accident and Injury Risks Longshoremen Face on the JobLongshoremen have essential and dangerous jobs. Learn about the risks of longshoremen accidents and injuries and what to do if you’re hurt on the job.
Dock Workers Are Owed Benefits After On-the-Job InjuriesDock workers are exposed to numerous accident risks in the course of their jobs, and they deserve compensation when they suffer injuries at work.
Maritime Workers Are Owed Benefits After Capsizing or Vessel DisastersVessel disasters are a leading cause of fatalities among maritime workers. Discover your compensation options after an injury at sea.
Fishermen and Maritime Workers Suffer Conveyor Belt InjuriesConveyor belts and roller tables can be extremely dangerous for maritime workers. Discover your compensation options after a maritime injury.
Maritime Injuries Caused by Cargo and Crane AccidentsTop NYC maritime attorneys discuss who may be held liable for cargo and crane injuries. Click here to learn more.
The Dangers of Rigging Accidents in Maritime WorkMaritime workers may be owed compensation after a rigging accident, especially if negligent vessel or workplace conditions led to their injuries.